
“I have no special talent.  I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein


140 comments on “About

  1. Bonjour

    In essence the human spirit is the strongest matter ever created – who created it is a matter of faith. I for one believe that it transcends human understanding- so l try not to ponder this complex question to frequently and let everything take a naatural course.



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  2. Thank you also for the follow, this is simply to inform you that my post is a bilingual one. So if you get an Italian poem, please be patient, an English one will soon follow. I’m doing my best to keep things balanced 🙂


  3. I’m really pleased that you’re enjoying my commentary on the life of Izabel Goulart, Maverick. I just hope I can keep on entertaining you…xxx. Thank you for the like…..xx


  4. Thanks Emma. Liking Izabel Goulart, the most beautiful woman on the planet, is not difficult at all. It’s also fascinating getting to know the person in the photographs through your blog. She had a better breakfast than I did this morning. 🙂 Best wishes ~


  5. I have enjoyed browsing through your blog. It is a work of art.

    I hope you continue to keep it profound and beautfiul…


    ~ t


    • Thank you Tonia, that’s very kind of you to say. I’m enjoying reading your blog, Dashes From My Heart, as well. Yours is very tasteful and has kind of a dreamy ambience that makes it a pleasure to visit. I’m looking forward to reading more.


      • dreamy ambience…hmmm, must be the theme i am using…that gives it an aura, perhaps.. 🙂

        tasteful?…hmm…gotta digest that one… 🙂

        my dashes ARE from my heart and I am happy you find this a pleasurable place to visit. I hope my pen can elicit more to bring you by.



  6. As a new Spikey, you’ve joined a growing clan of folk known to be followers of Uncle Spike 🙂

    Thank you… I really appreciate that as I for one, know how many interesting and entertaining blogs are out there.

    My aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures since the 70′s, as well as day to day happenings on the farm. Oh, plus a few observations on life as I see it. Of course, if you have any suggestions for me, I’d love to hear from you, serious; email me.

    In return, I promise not to be overbearing with perhaps 2-3 posts a day tops. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process.

    Thanks again for your vote of confidence, particularly from your good self, a media ‘expert’ 🙂 and hope you have a great day…



    • Lita, I don’t know anything about the awards but with all the great blogs around it’s very kind of you to nominate me. Thank you.

      I hope your St. Patrick’s Day has been a happy one too.


      • Let me know if you want more information about it. Basically create a list with the award icon then list 7 random facts about yourself to celebrate your blog. Choose around 10 super blogs that you wish to nominate for the award and let them know.

        Your images are achingly beautiful and I always stop and stare at your posts. They have such presence.


  7. Yes, curiosity is critical! Is that why you liked my post re gating curious to skyrocket your creativity? Thanks for visiting. Things are looking very colorful here, the curiosity thing is def working for you.


    • Hi Jann.
      Yes, I thought your explanation of the creative process to be excellent. As you said on your blog, “When you add curiosity to your routine, your attitude towards the mundane shifts towards magic.” Finding that magic in the mundane opens up a lot of doors. Along with your art, I always find your blog to be informative and interesting as well. Thank you.


  8. I like your about…it fits many wanderers I do Believe 🙂
    Take Care…You Matter


  9. Pingback: A note of Thanks « Books, Music, Photography, & Movies

  10. Pingback: Blogging 101: Be a good Neighbor_Comments | ♥ Blogging in 2015 ♥

  11. Hi Maverick- Thank you for following my photography blog, Jane’s Lens. I hope you are inspired. I appreciate your visits and comments. I love the Einstein quote you’ve chosen. Perfect. I look forward to reading your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Maverick! I want to thank You so much for visiting and decided to follow my blog! I am really honoured & I hope that You will trully enjoy it! –I love Your quote in the “About” page! You have done a great work with Your blog!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi Maverick — thanks for visiting and following New Earth Paradigm. I find the above Einstein quote reminds me of my mother, who was passionately curious about everything in her world and did her utmost to share it with me and my sister. I seem to have retained quite a bit of that passion for exploring my world. Curiosity is a powerful force that draws us forward into newness. Blessings, Alia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Blessings Alia. Thank you for sharing how your mother’s life time curiousity has been gifted through her passion to now you. I look forward to following your blog. Curiousity is indeed a powerful force.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Maverick thanks for supporting me and my blog over this past year, I admire your photo’s as it’s just not something I am passionate about, but your photo’s show such passion. I am a College Grad with a BA in Tech Mgmt, no work, so I am changing my focus of my blog to Intuitive Guidance Counselor and hope to spring new work. I know it’s not something all will be interested in, but I hope to spark interest. I have a face condition so I won’t show it…..but with new videos to do….I hope it brings new interested individuals.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you again. There’s so many talented bloggers such as yourself that provide me with new insights on a variety of topics. Your new focus sounds interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing your changes and I shall continue following your new blog. Wishing you much success!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you desperateramblings. The magic is in the mystery or is it the mystery in the magic? LOL. Originally I was just checking out WP and had no predisposition to blog. Then I got these creative urges and started to learn how to take a picture . Thank you for following and hopefully I’ll continue to evolve into whoever I am. 🙂 Best of luck to you as well!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mmmm indeed, I think I’m with you and thanks for reply and follow. Good luck with your blog, its strange how we are drawn to blogging. Just like writing in a diary sometimes (especially now for me).We all continue to evolve, just sad some don’t realise this. Cheers for now x

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi , I have nominated you for The Creative Blogger Award! I bet you are quivering in excitement… or perhaps you might be hitting your head against a wall repeating the phrase “Not another award, not another award!” You don’t have to accept this award, but I would love for you to pop over to my blog and come celebrate! There will be imaginary champagne, disco balls and a drumming cat! What more could one want? Hehe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not an awards person (too many rules) but I can’t resist an invitation to have champagne with a beautiful lady. Does that count as two facts about me? 🙂 Thank you Amanda, you’re a sweetheart ❤

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