24 comments on “Prairie Dogs ~

  1. The image is beautiful…as a child I yearned to have one as a pet. My mother silenced my request with the position they carry rabies…young heart broken. Yet, after reading your narrative leaving them to be a distant pet would be best for all…young heart healed.

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    • Even though they’re herbivorous  Prairie dogs will attack ground squirrels because supposedly they don’t want the competition. Happy holidays to you as well and best wishes for the new year! 🙂


  2. They are so very adorable.
    Man destroys them to increase his profit margin in farming…. or worse …. because they mess up the garden. I simplify, but …. can’t we all live together?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Prairie Dogs ~ — Maverick Mist – MobsterTiger

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