20 comments on “Peonies

  1. Very nice. I remember when I was little seeing peony buds (similar to those in your last photo) covered with ants. I asked my mom why the ants were all over them and she said the ants help open the buds so there would be flowers. I thought it was pretty cool that the ants did that.

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  2. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous! The poem is perfect, all of nature is so fragile, us included. My favorite part is the last stanza of the poem, ending with a question. Okay, today is the day, a good one! 🙂 Mia

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    • Thank you Mia and so true regarding nature and us. Well said. Hope you did have a good day and also have a good evening. Not great though because we want to slowly build up to that for your Saturday. 🙂

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      • You’re welcome and thank you. Laughing, let’s hold of on anything pleasant until Saturday, ha-ha! But today was hump day and we both survived and tomorrow I thought was “our day”, I know I’m scattered brained, did I remember correctly? Due to Thursday being the eve of Friday. Ha-ha! So tomorrow can definitely be a little better than okay. With all this said, have a okay but not so great evening. 😉

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      • I thought Friday was our day and Saturday was your day but we can make Thursday our day too, lol. You can have a very very good evening, especially since writing that wonderful poem. ❤

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